💡 Challenge "72 Hours to Innove with Agile methodologies"

Participating students had the opportunity to brainstorm a digital solution for green dependencies management.

‘72 Hours to Innove with Agile methodologies’ is a digital innovation challenge organized by ENSGSI, spanning over three and a half days. This event brings together students in the final year of the engineering cycle at ENSGSI, as well as those from the IDEAS Master’s and IUVTT Master’s programs. The objective for these students is to propose innovative digital solutions on a given topic by applying agile and SCRUM methods, fostering strong interaction with clients.

As part of this challenge, students had the opportunity to contribute their skills and ideas to a project related to the SAGID+ chair. They were tasked with imagining and designing a geographic portal dedicated to the management of green dependencies. The overall idea of this portal is to provide territory managers with a tool to centralize all data of interest for the management of green dependencies.

Students were challenged to propose additional features that would add real value to this collaborative tool and encourage various stakeholders in roadside management to contribute.

Christophe Bachmann, CEO of the ACTIBAC group, and Sébastien Demange, digital director of the same group, participated in the event during client meetings imposed by the method. These exchanges allowed students to grasp the complexity of the subject and the various challenges surrounding the implementation of such a tool for territories.

Among the interesting features developed during these three days, notable ones include a conflict management system among different stakeholders involved in the management of green dependencies, reports that can be made by the general public and the resulting moderation system, as well as a planning assistant allowing managers to adjust their maintenance plan based on the data available in the portal

Brice Corrigeux
Brice Corrigeux
Study engineer for SAGID+