Participation in the Forest National Park seminar on roadside management.

This seminar aimed to foster exchanges on known best practices and to initiate the necessary innovations to build a model adapted to the regulations of the Park.

The Forest National Park aims to initiate an adaptation of roadside maintenance practices within its territory. To achieve this, the Park organized a seminar on April 24th with the objective of bringing together all stakeholders involved in this topic.

Various subjects were addressed, including regulatory imperatives related to the Park, road safety issues, biodiversity concerns, and landscape challenges. Following an overview of the constraints and issues related to this specific territory of the Park, the afternoon presentations focused on existing solutions to address them.

Among these presentations, we conducted two on the following topics: “Adapting Mowing Techniques” and “Managing Water and Pollution (structures, ditches).” The first presentation showcased innovative practices implemented in other departments: reasoned mowing, checkered mowing, mowing with collection, etc. The second presentation relayed the work done by Côtes d’Armor on reasoned ditch cleaning.

This seminar also provided an opportunity to meet interesting contacts whose work often aligns closely with that carried out within the SAGID+ chair.

This seminar serves as a great example of action to initiate a change in management practices. By bringing together all stakeholders, the exchanges raised important issues for Park management and allowed proposed solutions to be tested against on-the-ground constraints.

Brice Corrigeux
Brice Corrigeux
Study engineer for SAGID+